onJoystickAxisMove (joystick:Joystick, axis:Int, value:Float):Void
Called when a joystick axis move event is fired
joystick | The current joystick |
axis | The axis that was moved |
value | The axis value (between 0 and 1) |
onJoystickButtonDown (joystick:Joystick, button:Int):Void
Called when a joystick button down event is fired
joystick | The current joystick |
button | The button that was pressed |
onJoystickButtonUp (joystick:Joystick, button:Int):Void
Called when a joystick button up event is fired
joystick | The current joystick |
button | The button that was released |
onJoystickTrackballMove (joystick:Joystick, trackball:Int, x:Float, y:Float):Void
Called when a joystick axis move event is fired
joystick | The current joystick |
trackball | The trackball that was moved |
x | The x movement of the trackball (between 0 and 1) |
y | The y movement of the trackball (between 0 and 1) |
onKeyDown (window:Window, keyCode:KeyCode, modifier:KeyModifier):Void
Called when a key down event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
keyCode | The code of the key that was pressed |
modifier | The modifier of the key that was pressed |
onKeyUp (window:Window, keyCode:KeyCode, modifier:KeyModifier):Void
Called when a key up event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
keyCode | The code of the key that was released |
modifier | The modifier of the key that was released |
onMouseDown (window:Window, x:Float, y:Float, button:Int):Void
Called when a mouse down event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
x | The current x coordinate of the mouse |
y | The current y coordinate of the mouse |
button | The ID of the mouse button that was pressed |
onMouseMove (window:Window, x:Float, y:Float):Void
Called when a mouse move event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
x | The current x coordinate of the mouse |
y | The current y coordinate of the mouse |
button | The ID of the mouse button that was pressed |
onMouseMoveRelative (window:Window, x:Float, y:Float):Void
Called when a mouse move relative event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
x | The x movement of the mouse |
y | The y movement of the mouse |
button | The ID of the mouse button that was pressed |
onMouseUp (window:Window, x:Float, y:Float, button:Int):Void
Called when a mouse up event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
x | The current x coordinate of the mouse |
y | The current y coordinate of the mouse |
button | The ID of the button that was released |
onMouseWheel (window:Window, deltaX:Float, deltaY:Float):Void
Called when a mouse wheel event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
deltaX | The amount of horizontal scrolling (if applicable) |
deltaY | The amount of vertical scrolling (if applicable) |
onPreloadProgress (loaded:Int, total:Int):Void
Called when a preload progress event is fired
loaded | The number of items that are loaded |
total | The total number of items will be loaded |
onTextEdit (window:Window, text:String, start:Int, length:Int):Void
Called when a text edit event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
text | The current replacement text |
start | The starting index for the edit |
length | The length of the edit |
onTextInput (window:Window, text:String):Void
Called when a text input event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
text | The current input text |
onTouchCancel (touch:Touch):Void
Called when a touch cancel event is fired
touch | The current touch object |
onTouchEnd (touch:Touch):Void
Called when a touch end event is fired
touch | The current touch object |
onTouchMove (touch:Touch):Void
Called when a touch move event is fired
touch | The current touch object |
onTouchStart (touch:Touch):Void
Called when a touch start event is fired
touch | The current touch object |
onWindowActivate (window:Window):Void
Called when a window activate event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
onWindowCreate (window:Window):Void
Called when a window create event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
onWindowEnter (window:Window):Void
Called when a window enter event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
onWindowFocusIn (window:Window):Void
Called when a window focus in event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
onWindowFocusOut (window:Window):Void
Called when a window focus out event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
onWindowLeave (window:Window):Void
Called when a window leave event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
onWindowMove (window:Window, x:Float, y:Float):Void
Called when a window move event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
x | The x position of the window in desktop coordinates |
y | The y position of the window in desktop coordinates |
onWindowResize (window:Window, width:Int, height:Int):Void
Called when a window resize event is fired
window | The window dispatching the event |
width | The width of the window |
height | The height of the window |
onWindowRestore (window:Window):Void
Called when a window is restored from being minimized or fullscreen
window | The window dispatching the event |
render (renderer:Renderer):Void
Called when a render event is fired
renderer | The renderer dispatching the event |
update (deltaTime:Int):Void
Called when an update event is fired
deltaTime | The amount of time in milliseconds that has elapsed since the last update |