

A build number

The build number is a unique, integer-based value which increases upon each build or release of an application. This is distinct from the version number.

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this is often updated automatically, or can be overriden in XML project files using the <app build="" /> attribute


A company name

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this value corresponds to the <meta company="" /> attribute in XML


An application file name, without a file extension

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this value corresponds to the <app file="" /> attribute in XML


A requested frame rate

In the default generated config for Lime applications, the default value is 30 FPS on many platforms, or vsync for HTML5. It can be overriden in XML project files using the <window fps="" /> attribute


An application name, used as the default Window title

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this value corresponds to the <meta title="" /> attribute in XML


An application orientation

Expected values include "portrait", "landscape" or an empty string for all orientations.

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this value corresponds to the <window orientation="" /> attribute in XML


A package name, this usually corresponds to the unique ID used in application stores to identify the current application

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this value corresponds to the <meta package="" /> attribute in XML


A root path for application assets

The default value is an empty string, but this can be used when bundled application assets are located in a different directory.

This value is not exposed in Lime project files, but is available using the lime.embed function in HTML5 project embeds, and may behave similarly to the Flash "base" embed parameter


A version number

The version number is what normally corresponds to the user-facing version for an application, such as "1.0.0" or "12.2.5". This is distinct from the build number. Many application stores expect the version number to include three segments.

In the default generated config for Lime applications, this value corresponds to the <meta title="" /> attribute in XML


A set of configuration objects for each initial application Window