The TextFieldAutoSize class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the autoSize property of the TextField class.


inline read onlyCENTER:TextFieldAutoSize = 0

Specifies that the text is to be treated as center-justified text. Any resizing of a single line of a text field is equally distributed to both the right and left sides.

inline read onlyLEFT:TextFieldAutoSize = 1

Specifies that the text is to be treated as left-justified text, meaning that the left side of the text field remains fixed and any resizing of a single line is on the right side.

inline read onlyNONE:TextFieldAutoSize = 2

Specifies that no resizing is to occur.

inline read onlyRIGHT:TextFieldAutoSize = 3

Specifies that the text is to be treated as right-justified text, meaning that the right side of the text field remains fixed and any resizing of a single line is on the left side.