

The WebGLActiveInfo interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the WebGLRenderingContext.getActiveAttrib() and WebGLRenderingContext.getActiveUniform() methods.


The WebGLBuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents an opaque buffer object storing data such as vertices or colors.



The WebContextEvent interface is part of the WebGL API and is an interface for an event that is generated in response to a status change to the WebGL rendering context.



The EXT_blend_minmax extension is part of the WebGL API and extends blending capabilities by adding two new blend equations: the minimum or maximum color components of the source and destination colors.


The WEBGL_color_buffer_float extension is part of the WebGL API and adds the ability to render to 32-bit floating-point color buffers.


The EXT_color_buffer_half_float extension is part of the WebGL API and adds the ability to render to 16-bit floating-point color buffers.


The WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes 3 ATC compressed texture formats. ATC is a proprietary compression algorithm for compressing textures on handheld devices.


The WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes the ETC1 compressed texture format.


The WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes four PVRTC compressed texture formats.


The WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes four S3TC compressed texture formats.


The WEBGL_debug_renderer_info extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes two constants with information about the graphics driver for debugging purposes.


The WEBGL_debug_shaders extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes a method to debug shaders from privileged contexts.


The WEBGL_depth_texture extension is part of the WebGL API and defines 2D depth and depth-stencil textures.


The WEBGL_draw_buffers extension is part of the WebGL API and enables a fragment shader to write to several textures, which is useful for deferred shading, for example.


The OES_element_index_uint extension is part of the WebGL API and adds support for gl.UNSIGNED_INT types to WebGLRenderingContext.drawElements().


The EXT_frag_depth extension is part of the WebGL API and enables to set a depth value of a fragment from within the fragment shader.


The ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension is part of the WebGL API and allows to draw the same object, or groups of similar objects multiple times, if they share the same vertex data, primitive count and type.


The WEBGL_lose_context extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes functions to simulate losing and restoring a WebGLRenderingContext.


The EXT_sRGB extension is part of the WebGL API and adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects.


The EXT_shader_texture_lod extension is part of the WebGL API and adds additional texture functions to the OpenGL ES Shading Language which provide the shader writer with explicit control of LOD (Level of detail).


The OES_standard_derivatives extension is part of the WebGL API and adds the GLSL derivative functions dFdx, dFdy, and fwidth.


The EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes two constants for anisotropic filtering (AF).


The OES_texture_float extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes floating-point pixel types for textures.


The OES_texture_float_linear extension is part of the WebGL API and allows linear filtering with floating-point pixel types for textures.


The OES_texture_half_float extension is part of the WebGL API and adds texture formats with 16- (aka half float) and 32-bit floating-point components.


The OES_texture_half_float_linear extension is part of the WebGL API and allows linear filtering with half floating-point pixel types for textures.


The WebGLFramebuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents a collection of buffers that serve as a rendering destination.


An alias for accessing GL constants more naturally.


The WebGLProgram is part of the WebGL API and is a combination of two compiled WebGLShaders consisting of a vertex shader and a fragment shader (both written in GLSL). These are then linked into a usable program.


The WebGLRenderbuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents a buffer that can contain an image, or can be source or target of an rendering operation.


The WebGLRenderingContext interface provides the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering context for the drawing surface of an HTML canvas element.


The WebGLShader is part of the WebGL API and can either be a vertex or a fragment shader. A WebGLProgram requires both types of shaders.


The WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderPrecisionFormat() method.


The WebGLTexture interface is part of the WebGL API and represents an opaque texture object providing storage and state for texturing operations.


The WebGLUniformLocation interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the location of a uniform variable in a shader program.