The LocalMediaStream interface represents a stream of media content fetched from a local data source. This is the interface returned by getUserMedia().

Documentation LocalMediaStream by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.



stop ():Void

Stops the stream. When the source of the stream is a connected device (such as a camera or microphone), stops capture on the device.

Inherited Variables

Defined by MediaStream

read onlyid:String

A DOMString containing 36 characters denoting a universally unique identifier (UUID) for the object.

Inherited Methods

Defined by MediaStream

addTrack (track:MediaStreamTrack):Void

Stores a copy of the MediaStreamTrack given as argument. If the track has already been added to the MediaStream object, nothing happens.

getTracks ():Array<MediaStreamTrack>

Returns a list of all MediaStreamTrack objects stored in the MediaStream object, regardless of the value of the kind attribute. The order is not defined, and may not only vary from one browser to another, but also from one call to another.

getVideoTracks ():Array<VideoStreamTrack>

Returns a list of the MediaStreamTrack objects stored in the MediaStream object that have their kind attribute set to "video". The order is not defined, and may not only vary from one browser to another, but also from one call to another.

removeTrack (track:MediaStreamTrack):Void

Removes the MediaStreamTrack given as argument. If the track is not part of the MediaStream` object, nothing happens.

Defined by EventTarget

addEventListener (type:String, listener:Function, capture:Bool = false):Void

addEventListener (type:String, listener:EventListener, capture:Bool = false, ?wantsUntrusted:Bool):Void




dispatchEvent (event:Event):Bool




removeEventListener (type:String, listener:Function, capture:Bool = false):Void

removeEventListener (type:String, listener:EventListener, capture:Bool = false):Void


