This class provides a convenient way of working with paths. It supports the common path formats:

  • directory1/directory2/filename.extension
  • directory1\directory2\filename.extension


new (path:String)

Creates a new Path instance by parsing path.

Path information can be retrieved by accessing the dir, file and ext properties.



True if the last directory separator is a backslash, false otherwise.


The directory.

This is the leading part of the path that is not part of the file name and the extension.

Does not end with a / or \ separator.

If the path has no directory, the value is null.


The file extension.

It is separated from the file name by a dot. This dot is not part of the extension.

If the path has no extension, the value is null.


The file name.

This is the part of the part between the directory and the extension.

If there is no file name, e.g. for ".htaccess" or "/dir/", the value is the empty String "".


toString ():String

Available on Neko, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, HTML5, Windows

Returns a String representation of this path.

If this.backslash is true, backslash is used as directory separator, otherwise slash is used. This only affects the separator between this.dir and this.file.

If or this.extension is null, their representation is the empty String "".

Static methods

staticaddTrailingSlash (path:String):String

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Adds a trailing slash to path, if it does not have one already.

If the last slash in path is a backslash, a backslash is appended to path.

If the last slash in path is a slash, or if no slash is found, a slash is appended to path. In particular, this applies to the empty String "".

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

staticdirectory (path:String):String

Returns the directory of path.

If the directory is null, the empty String "" is returned.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

staticextension (path:String):String

Available on Neko, Flash, macOS, Linux, Windows

Returns the extension of path.

If the extension is null, the empty String "" is returned.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

staticisAbsolute (path:String):Bool

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Returns true if the path is an absolute path, and false otherwise.

staticjoin (paths:Array<String>):String

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Joins all paths in paths together.

If paths is empty, the empty String "" is returned. Otherwise the paths are joined with a slash between them.

If paths is null, the result is unspecified.

staticnormalize (path:String):String

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Normalize a given path (e.g. make '/usr/local/../lib' to '/usr/lib').

Also replaces backslashes \ with slashes / and afterwards turns multiple slashes into a single one.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

staticremoveTrailingSlashes (path:String):String

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Removes trailing slashes from path.

If path does not end with a / or \, path is returned unchanged.

Otherwise the substring of path excluding the trailing slashes or backslashes is returned.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

staticwithoutDirectory (path:String):String

Available on Neko, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, HTML5, Windows

Returns the String representation of path without the directory.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

staticwithoutExtension (path:String):String

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Returns the String representation of path without the file extension.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.