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Class Mouse

The methods of the Mouse class are used to hide and show the mouse pointer, or to set the pointer to a specific style. The Mouse class is a top-level class whose properties and methods you can access without using a constructor. The pointer is visible by default, but you can hide it and implement a custom pointer.


  • Mouse



Static cursor

cursor: MouseCursor

Static supportsCursor

supportsCursor: boolean

Static supportsNativeCursor

supportsNativeCursor: boolean


Static hide

  • hide(): void
  • Hides the pointer. The pointer is visible by default.

    Note: You need to call Mouse.hide() only once, regardless of the number of previous calls to Mouse.show().

    Returns void

Static show

  • show(): void
  • Displays the pointer. The pointer is visible by default.

    Note: You need to call Mouse.show() only once, regardless of the number of previous calls to Mouse.hide().

    Returns void

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