Here Comes the First OpenFL 3 Beta!
We are rolling out a new beta release of OpenFL 3.0! It comes with tons of exciting changes, but for the sake of stability and continuity you can use the “-Dv2” or “-Dlegacy” flag to keep the old behavior for all your Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, and BlackBerry projects. This is meant to be fully backward-compatible, so we can continue to release critical patches as we move forward. Please report any issues you have using legacy mode. Read more
March 20, 2015
Developer Spotlight: Nilsen Filc
Today in the Developer Spotlight, we chat with Nilsen Filc, the creator of Yummy Circus, a colorful massively cross-platform puzzle game. Read more
February 10, 2015
December Update
The fall leaves have now given way to chill winter wind. Thanksgiving was wonderful, and December holds multiple winter holidays that our family has been actively looking forward to. Read more
December 4, 2014
Developer Spotlight: Danny Yaroslavski
Today in the Developer Spotlight, we chat with Danny Yaroslavski, the creator of Lightbot, an imaginative programming game for all ages. Read more
November 8, 2014
Migrating to New Community Forums
We are migrating to a new community forum. If you have been around for a while, you may be looking for an older post. You can find archives of the older forums by looking under one of these links: Read more
November 7, 2014
Developer Spotlight: Thomas Uster
The Developer Spotlight is a new, regular series of posts where we interview developers in the OpenFL community. This time, we chat with Thomas Uster from Proto Games, who is co-developing Pakka Pets, an adorable Tamagotchi-like game for mobile. Read more