OpenFL Features
2D Graphics
- Draw vector lines, curves, and fills
- Render bitmaps, and manipulate their pixels
- Display text with custom fonts and formatting
- Scale, rotate, and position nodes with matrix transformations
- Opacity / alpha blending
- Solid colors, gradient, and bitmap line and fill styles
- Masking
- Filters, like drop shadow, glow, and blur
- Blend modes, like multiply, screen, darken, lighten, and difference
Stage 3D GPU Graphics
- Programmable 3D graphics pipeline similar to OpenGL ES 2
- Vertex and pixel fragment shader programs
- Draw triangles
- Create textures from bitmaps or raw byte arrays
- Render to texture
- Mipmapping
- Scissor rects
- Blend factors
- Culling and depth testing
If you prefer, you can also use high-level libraries that are built on top of Stage 3D, like Away3D (for 3D) and Starling (for 2D), that abstract away some of the lower level details.
Text Fields
- Adjust font family, size, color, alignment, and letter-spacing
- Use bold, italic, and underline styles
- Embed custom fonts from TTF or OTF files
- Multi-line with optional word wrapping
- Horizontal and vertical scrolling
- Apply different styles to specific ranges of text
- Optional simplified HTML markup
- Optional simplified CSS styles
- Capture text input from keyboard
- Select ranges of text with mouse and keyboard, or even programmatically
- Copy and paste strings with keyboard shortcuts
- Restrict text input to specific characters or ranges of characters
Sound / Audio
- MP3, OGG Vorbis, and WAV formats (support depends on target)
- Adjust volume on individual sounds
- Adjust left and right panning
- Pause and resume a sound
- Seek to a specific position
- Embed sounds at compile-time, load them from external files, or from WWW URLs
User input
- Mouse button down, move, and up events
- Click and double-click events
- Middle and right mouse button events
- Mouse wheel events
- Roll over and roll out events
- Multi-touch with tracking of touch point IDs
- Touch begin, move, and end events
- Tap event
- Primary touch point can optionally trigger mouse events as fallback
- Connect and disconnect events
- Button up and down events
- Axis move events
- Custom mappings
- Both physical keyboards and touchscreen soft keyboards
- Key up and down events
- Modifier keys, including ctrl, command, alt, and shift
- Use Tab and Shift+Tab to change focus between interactive display objects
- Measure the physical motion of a mobile device
- X, Y, and Z axes
- Request a specific update interval in milliseconds
Network communications
- Load text or byte data from HTTP URLs
- GET and POST HTTP request methods
- Session cookies
- TCP sockets
- UDP sockets
- Server sockets
The display list
- A 2D scene graph with a hierarchy of nodes, called display objects
- Supports various types of display objects:
displays bitmap/raster graphicsShape
renders scalable vector graphicsSprite
is a container that can add other display objects as childrenMovieClip
contains multiple frames that can play as an animationTextField
renders text with formattingSimpleButton
supports multiple states based on user input (up, over, down)Stage
is the root of the display list
- Add, remove, and reorder children in a container
- Assign names to specific display objects to access them easily later
- Tranforming a container’s scale, rotation, and position automatically transforms its children too
- Listen for user input events, like mouse, touch, and keyboard
- Cache as a bitmap for faster rendering
- Fast batched rendering with tilemaps
- Dispatch and listen for events
- Supports adding multiple listeners for same event
- Set priorities on event listeners to change calling order
- Weak event listeners allow objects to be garbage collected (on supported targets)
- Events may optionally be cancelable with
- Bubbling events climb up the display list from the target, to its parent, and continue to the stage
- A capture phase allows catching events before they reach their target
- Based on the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification
- Embed bitmaps, audio files, fonts, byte arrays, movie clips, and text data
- Preload assets before starting app, or load and unload assets on demand
- Package sets of assets into libraries, which can be loaded separately
- Import assets from SWF files exported by Adobe Animate
- Dynamically adjustable frame rate
- A
display object may include multiple distinct frames that play in sequence - Listen for
to programatically update your scene every frame - Use
to programmatically update your scene on a specific time inverval (in milliseconds)
If you prefer, libraries like Actuate provide higher level APIs for time-based programmatic animation (sometimes called tweens)
File system access (on native targets)
- System open and save dialogs
- Create or delete files and directories
- Load or save text or byte data from files
- Copy, move, and rename files
- List files in a directory
- Access system directory paths (user, documents, desktop, app, app storage)
- Access current working directory path
- Check if file exists, is a directory, or is hidden
- Create temporary files and directories
- Read size, last modified, and absolute path
- Query system line endings and path separators
Manage windows (on desktop native targets)
- Open multiple windows, each with a separate stage
- Resize and position windows with mouse, or programmaticaly
- Reorder windows by depth programmatically
- Activate window on demand
- Configure user’s ability to resize, minimize, and maximize
- Copy and paste text from system clipboard
- Full-screen or windowed rendering
- Customize mouse cursors
- Run executable processes, and read their output and exit codes, on native targets
- Object pooling for performance and memory optimization
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